3 powerfull tools to generates ASCII alphabet, colored layers and vector icons.


3 powerful tools to automate layers creation.

These tools are particularly useful when a large number of layers is required, and when these layers cannot be obtained by just duplicating an existing layer.

This tool generates ASCII alphabet with the font style of the selected text layer. 

This tool allows you to easily create a large number of colored solids, or to colorize existing layers (solid, text, or shape layers).

This tool generates icons as shape layers. You can choose among 3000 vector icons from 6 popular icon sets.

They have been designed during the development of our plug-in Pastiche, when we realized that it would be great to have a tool to quickly generate a bunch of elements to start playing. They can be used to create text layers, solids (possibly with masks and effects) and vector shapes.

Tutorial for 3 powerfull tools to generates ASCII alphabet, colored layers and vector icons.

Newton 4 is part of the amazing Mobo Motion Bundle. Get the bundle and save 50$. Get Newton 4 + Pastiche + Layer Generators at a special price. Mobo Motion Bundle is discounted 50% for students and faculty.

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