Prepare Soft Bodies is a small companion script for Newton the physics engine for After Effects.
Our 2019 holiday homework has consisted of recreating some great Processing animations in Adobe After Effects.
Pan & Zoom Script for After Effects script creates a pan and zoom slideshow
Manipulating shapes and colors using expressions in Adobe After Effects
Lear how to manipulate and visualize path properties using expression in Adobe After Effects.
Creating and projecting a 3D cube onto a shape layer using expressions in Adobe After Effects
Let's have fun with this After Effects script that is a port of subBlue's Guilloché
This After Effects script creates a simple animated timer HH:MM:SS, with controllable speed and start time.
Gears are great shapes that can be used in various situations. With this free script you can easily create them!
This After Effects script creates a text layer with an expression that finds the name
This After Effects script creates shape layers and distributes them around a sphere.
Cloth simulation test done with AE scripting and expressions.
This After Effects script distributes the contents of the selected folder on a grid.
Free After Effects script that easily allows you to transform the content of the selected text layers into ASCII art.
Quick experimentation attempting to use Photoshop Content Aware Fill feature on a video.
Here are test videos showing some of the new 3D capabilities of After Effects CS6
Newton and the Puppet tool of After Effects, so you get something like soft body.
We have developed an experimental script that attempts to convert an After Effects composition into HTML/CSS3.
Attaching a layer to the end of a path using expression in Adobe After Effects
Determine the bounding box of a text layer usgin expression in After Effects.
The Behemoth post a very interesting article on how Derek Lieu used Motion Boutique Newton in the cutscene of their game BattleBlock Theater.
This After Effects allows you to create photobook-style arrangements of selected layers.
Easily add a box behind your text layer.