Dynamically unravel a shape

How to unravel a shape in using Newton and ConnectLayersPRO

Ariel asked us:

“Hello, is it possible to create the “unraveling” effect on a neon sign that you see at  :47 of this video: https://youtu.be/BaLHthRsqQk&t=0m47s “

Well, yeah! It’s possible and here’s how!

Download our tools: Newton, ConnectLayersPRO and MOBO_Utils
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I will also use other tools such as: Overlord, Deep Glow and Composite Brush (Note that you can do without these tools).

1. Getting Started

Creating a New Composition

To kick things off, start by opening After Effects and creating a new composition. Import the video footage you captured. This will serve as the base for your animation.

Tracking and Stabilizing Footage

The first step after creating your composition is to track and stabilize your footage. For this, you will use the Mocha plugin:

  • Draw the Tracking Area: Select the area you wish to track.
  • Adjust Settings: Make any necessary adjustments to ensure accurate tracking.
  • Hit the Tracker Button: Once you’re satisfied with your settings, click the tracker button to begin the tracking process.

After stabilization, return to After Effects, and apply the CC Power Pin effect to deform your image, linking it to your tracking data for a stable shot.

2. Removing the Green Screen

Key Light Application

Next, you’ll want to remove any green screen from your footage to ensure a clean background for your animation.

  • Create a Garbage Mask: Use the masking tool to outline the area you want to keep.
  • Apply Key Light: Select the green color from your footage and apply the Key Light effect.

Creating a Garbage Mask

This step is crucial for isolating the subject in your video. Make sure to fine-tune the mask to achieve the best results.

3. Creating Neon Text with Illustrator

Using the Brush Tool

Now, let’s switch gears and create neon text. Open Adobe Illustrator and use the brush tool to create your desired text.

Importing Paths into After Effects

Once your text path is complete, you can use the Overlord plugin to import it back into After Effects, (or simply import your Illustator file into AE and convert it to shape layers). This tool simplifies the transfer process, allowing you to maintain the integrity of your paths.

4. Linking Paths to Dynamics

Creating Null Objects from Vertex

To achieve movement based on the vertices of your paths:

  • Use PrepareSoftBodies : Use the script to generate null objects linked to each vertex of your paths.

5. Animating with Newton

Setting Up Distance Joints

Now that your paths are set up, it’s time to animate them using Newton.

  • Open Newton and Select Objects: Choose the hand and the last controller to create distance joints.
  • Recreate Chains for Each Letter: Utilize the label colors you set earlier to quickly select and animate each letter.

Handling Object Collisions

To prevent your objects from colliding unnecessarily, adjust the collision settings. Set the body type of most objects to dormant while ensuring that your hand object is kinematic to allow for movement.

6. Finalizing the Animation

Enhancing with Effects

With the animation set, it’s time to enhance your project. Use the Deep Glow plugin for added vibrancy. Duplicate your neon composition to achieve greater density in color.

Adding Color Animations

To make your animation more engaging, animate the hue saturation of your letters. Use expressions to loop the color animations and offset them across different letters for a dynamic effect.

7. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we walked through the process of creating a dynamic unraveled shape animation in After Effects, utilizing various plugins to optimize your workflow. From stabilizing your footage to removing green screens, creating neon text, and animating with Newton, these techniques will undoubtedly elevate your motion graphics projects. Remember to experiment with different settings and effects to find what works best for your unique style.

Happy animating!

Thanks to the authors for those tutorials:
-Stabilize and reverse stabilization using Mocha and CC Power Pin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-y3nqpcCgo
-Light Wrap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8Mvxl89R5g

Cheers to Adam Plouff, Chris Vranos, the Plugin Everything team and Lloyd Alvarez