
This After Effects allows you to create photobook-style arrangements of selected layers.

This After Effects allows you to create photobook-style arrangements of selected layers. Aspect ratios are respected and no cropping is done. If layers are keyframed (position or scale), new keyframes are created at the current time. Each time you click the Create button a new randomized layout is produced.

Arranges selected layers in photobook style
Arranges selected layers in photobook style


Select some layers.
Click on Create.
(Optionally, specify a border around each layer, and decide whether the comp dimensions should match the collage size.)

Free material license

These scripts are copyrighted by Motion Boutique.
They are free for personal and commercial use but come “as is” with no warranty nor any free personal support.
Redistribution in any form is not allowed, instead always link to for correct files.
By downloading any of these scripts, you agree the above terms.