Connect Layers PRO
User Guide

Table of contents


Connect Layers PRO (CLP) is a tool for Adobe After Effects (AE) that allows you to connect composition layers with lines created using shape layers.

CLP provides a simple, clean, and compact creation panel to choose the type of connection. Once the connection is created, you can modify the appearance of the connecting lines using the Styles panel.

CLP requires After Effects CC 2018 or later.

Creation Panel
Creation Panel
Styles Panel
Styles Panel


User Interface

You construct the connection using the Creation panel. Then you modify style settings using the Styles effect.

Creation Panel

The Creation panel can be docked everywhere in AE's window. This panel allows you to select the connection type. It also provides additional construction options such as adding new elements to an existing connection.

Chain Icon


This command creates a path that connects the selected layers, respecting the order in which layers are selected. Use right-click to create a closed chain.

Closed Chain
Closed Chain

Spanning Tree Icon

Spanning Tree

This command creates a minimum length tree that spans the distance between the selected layers.

Spanning Tree
Spanning Tree

Triangulation Icon


This command creates a Delaunay triangulation from the selected layers.


All Connections Icon

All Connections

This command creates all possible connections between the selected layers.

All Connections
All Connections

Many-To-One Icon


This command connects the selected layers to the last layer selected.


Real 3D Icon

Real 3D Mode

CLP provides two methods to handle 3D layers. The default mode converts 3D layer positions into the camera's view space to create the connections on a 2D layer (therefore it is not visible in Custom View). The second method is the Real 3D mode, which uses the actual 3D layer positions to create the connections on separate 3D layers.

This switch activates the Real 3D mode.

Real 3D On
Real 3D On
Real 3D Off
Real 3D Off


Add To Existing Connection Icon

Add To Existing Connection

This option allows you to add new elements to an existing connection by selecting a composition layer. This is useful when you want to control the style of the new elements with an existing Styles controller.

Add To Existing Connection
Add To Existing Connection


About Icon

About and Registration

This button opens the About dialog which contains a description of the tool and the registration info.


Styles Panel

The CLP Styles effect is automatically added by the Creation panel when you create a connection. With this effect you can control many aspects of the connecting lines, including the stroke and fill options, arrowheads, dashes, and several path operators like trim, twist or zig zag.

Stroke Options

Stroke Options
Stroke Options

Stroke > Stroke Color

This parameter sets the stroke color of the connection.

Stroke > Stroke Opacity

This parameter controls the stroke transparency.

Stroke > Opacity From Distance

When this parameter is activated, stroke opacity is calculated from the distance between the connected layers. The opacity increases when the distance between the connected layers decreases.

Stroke Opacity From Distance
Stroke Opacity From Distance

Stroke > Opacity From Distance > Near

This parameter controls the distance (in pixels) from where the stroke opacity is 100%.

Stroke > Opacity From Distance > Far

This parameter controls the distance (in pixels) from where the stroke opacity is 0%.

Stroke > Opacity From Distance > Reverse Behavior

When this parameter is selected, the opacity fading behavior is reversed (0% at Near distance, 100% at Far distance).

Stroke > Stroke Width

This parameter controls the stroke width.

Stroke > Line Cap / Line Join

These parameters control the aspect of the line cap (butt, round, or projecting), as well as the line join (miter, round, or bevel).

Butt Cap
Butt Cap
Round Cap
Round Cap
Projecting Cap
Projecting Cap

Miter Join
Miter Join
Round Join
Round Join
Bevel Join
Bevel Join

Stroke > Miter Limit

When Line Join is set to Miter Join, this parameter controls the miter limit.

Stroke > Enable Gradient

This parameter allows you to add a gradient stroke effect.

Stroke > Gradient Type

This parameter controls the type of the gradient stroke. Yu can choose a Linear or Radial gradient.

Linear Gradient Stroke
Linear Gradient Stroke
Radial Gradient Stroke
Radial Gradient Stroke

Stroke > Highlight Length / Highlight Angle

When the gradient type is set to radial, you can control the highlight length and angle.

Varying Gradient Stroke Highlight
Varying Gradient Stroke Highlight

Stroke > Gradient Colors > Reveal in Timeline

Use this button to edit the gradient colors.

Stroke > Gradient Scale

This parameter affects the position of the gradient Start/End Points. For a linear gradient, the Start/End Points position is scaled from their middle point. For a radial gradient, the Start Point is not affected by scaling, and the End Point position is scaled from the Start Point.

Varying Gradient Scale
Varying Gradient Scale

Stroke > Reverse Direction

This parameter allows you to reverse the direction of the connection.

Reverse Direction
Reverse Direction

Fill Options

Fill Options
Fill Options

Fill > Enable Fill

Fill is deactivated by default. Use this parameter to enable it.

Fill > Fill Palette

This parameter controls the colorization of the connection. You can choose between Single Color, Gradient, Hue Shift, Random, and From Layer, as well as many Adobe Kuler presets.

Fill Palette > Single Color
Fill Palette > Single Color
Fill Palette > Gradient
Fill Palette > Gradient
Fill Palette > Hue Shift
Fill Palette > Hue Shift
Fill Palette > Random
Fill Palette > Random
Fill Palette > From Layer
Fill Palette > From Layer
Fill Palette > Kuler Preset
One of the Adobe Kuler Presets

Fill > Fill Color

When Single Color is selected, this parameter sets the fill color of the connection.

Fill > Start / End Color

When Gradient is selected, this parameter sets the start and end color of the gradient.

Fill > Saturation / Luminance

When Hue Shift is selected, these parameters control the intensity of the saturation and luminance.

Fill > Random Seed

When Random is selected, this parameter sets the seed of the random color generator.

Fill > Color Layer

When From Layer is selected, this parameter allows you to select a composition layer from which color will be sampled.

Fill > Fill Opacity

This parameter controls the fill transparency.

Fill > Opacity From Distance

When this parameter is activated, fill opacity is calculated from the distance between the connected layers.

Fill > Opacity From Distance > Near

This parameter controls the distance (in pixels) from where the fill opacity is 100%.

Fill > Opacity From Distance > Far

This parameter controls the distance (in pixels) from where the fill opacity is 0%.

Fill > Opacity From Distance > Reverse Behavior

When this parameter is selected, the opacity fading behavior is reversed (0% at Near distance, 100% at Far distance).

Fill > Enable Gradient

This parameter allows you to add a gradient fill effect.

Fill > Gradient Type

This parameter controls the type of the gradient fill. You can choose a Linear or Radial gradient.

Fill > Highlight Length / Highlight Angle

When the gradient type is set to radial, you can control the highlight length and angle.

Fill > Gradient Colors > Reveal in Timeline

Use this button to edit the gradient colors.

Fill > Gradient Scale

This parameter affects the position of the gradient Start/End Points. For a linear gradient, the Start/End Points position is scaled from their middle point. For a radial gradient, the Start Point is not affected by scaling, and the End Point position is scaled from the Start Point.



Modules are shape operators that can be enabled or disabled on the fly. Modules include AE's path operators (offset, round corners, wiggle, etc), and some custom effectors like arrowheads or curviness.

To clarify the meaning of the icons, the modules names are displayed in a shortened form under each icon. The following abbreviations are used: Arw (Arrowheads), Curv (Curviness), Dsh (Dashes), Ofst (Offset Paths), Rpt (Repeater), RCo (Round Corners), Trm (Trim Paths), Twt (Twist), Wgl (Wiggle Paths), and ZgZ (Zig Zag).


Arrowheads Options
Arrowheads Options

Arrowheads > Start / End

This parameter sets the type of the starting/ending arrowhead. You can choose from None, Circle, Square, and Triangle.

Arrowheads > None
Arrowheads > None
Arrowheads > Circle
Arrowheads > Circle
Arrowheads > Square
Arrowheads > Square
Arrowheads > Triangle
Arrowheads > Triangle

Arrowheads > Stroke Color

This parameter sets the stroke color of the arrowheads.

Arrowheads > Stroke Opacity

This parameter sets the stroke transparency of the arrowheads.

Arrowheads > Stroke Width

This parameter sets the stroke width of the arrowheads.

Arrowheads > Fill Color

This parameter sets the fill color of the arrowheads.

Arrowheads > Fill Opacity

This parameter sets the fill transparency of the arrowheads.

Arrowheads > Opacity from Path

When this parameter is active, the arrowheads opacity (both stroke and fill) is inherited from the stroke opacity of the path.

Arrowheads > Circle / Square Size

When Start or End is set to Circle or Square, this parameter controls the size in pixels of the arrowheads.

Arrowheads > Triangle Scale

When Start or End is set to Triangle, this parameter sets the global scale of the triangle.

Arrowheads > Triangle Length

When Start or End is set to Triangle, this parameter sets the length of the triangle.

Arrowheads > Triangle Width

When Start or End is set to Triangle, this parameter controls the width of the triangle.

Arrowheads > Round Corners

This parameter allows you to round the corners of the arrowheads.


Curviness Options
Curviness Options


This parameter controls the formula used to calculate the curviness of the connection. The default is Linear, which produces a straight connection line.

Curviness > Linear

The connection is formed by a straight line.

Curviness > Linear
Curviness > Linear

Curviness > Arc

The connection is formed by a circular arc.

Curviness > Arc
Curviness > Arc
Arc > Flip Direction
Arc > Flip Direction

Arc > Flip Direction

This parameter sets the arc orientation (towards the inside or outside).

Curviness > Step / Step After / Step Before (2D only)

The connection is formed by a step-like shape.

Curviness > Step
Curviness > Step
Curviness > Step After
Curviness > Step After
Curviness > Step Before
Curviness > Step Before

Curviness > Auto Bezier Tension

The connection is formed by a Bezier path that passes through the selected layers. The tension at each vertex is similar to AE's RotoBezier.

Curviness > Auto Bezier Tension
Curviness > Auto Bezier Tension

Curviness > Custom Bezier Tension

The connection is formed by a Bezier path with customizable tension.

Curviness > Custom Bezier Tension
Curviness > Custom Bezier Tension

Curviness > Dynamic Bezier

The connection is formed by a Bezier path whose tangents vary over time according to the velocity of the connected layers.

Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Preset

When a dynamic function is selected (Dynamic Bezier for instance), this parameter allows you to select predefined settings.

Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Fifty-Fifty
Dynamic Bezier > Fifty-Fifty
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Gum
Dynamic Bezier > Gum
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Medium
Dynamic Bezier > Medium
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Playdoh
Dynamic Bezier > Playdoh
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Rubber Band
Dynamic Bezier > Rubber Band
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Soft Metal
Dynamic Bezier > Soft Metal
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Soft Plastic
Dynamic Bezier > Soft Plastic
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Springy
Dynamic Bezier > Springy
Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Very Elastic
Dynamic Bezier > Very Elastic

Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Stiffness

This parameter sets the connection stiffness.

Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Damping

This parameter controls the damping of the connection.

Curviness > Dynamic Bezier > Max Tangent Length

This parameter allows you to restrict the influence of velocity on the distortion of the tangents.

Curviness > Custom Dynamic Bezier

This connection is similar to Dynamic Bezier, but you can also define custom tangents for the connection path. It supports only two layers (i.e., a single connection segment).

Curviness > Custom Dynamic Bezier
Custom Dynamic Bezier

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet

The connection is formed by a chain of dynamic subsegments. A process of iterative constraint enforcement is imposed on these subsegments until a solution is found. This method requires heavy calculations. It must be used with care (for example over a short duration) as the evaluation time increases quickly and may become unmanageable as the comp time increases.

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet Close-up
Dynamic Verlet Close-up

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Preset

When Dynamic Verlet is selected, this parameter allows you to select predefined settings.

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > High Gravity
Dynamic Verlet > High Gravity
Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Medium
Dynamic Verlet > Medium
Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Low Gravity
Dynamic Verlet > Low Gravity
Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Zero Gravity Flexible
Dynamic Verlet > Zero Gravity Flexible

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Stiffness

This parameter allows you to control the stiffness of the connection.

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Solver Steps

This parameter specifies the number of iterations of the constraint solver. A low number will usually produce acceptable results.

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Subsegments

This parameter defines the number of vertices of the connection path.

Curviness > Dynamic Verlet > Gravity

This parameter controls the gravity amplitude. Gravity is always directed towards the bottom of the screen.

Curviness > Penner's Easing Functions

The connection is formed by a path that follows one of the Robert Penner's Easing Functions.

Curviness > Penner's Functions
Curviness > Penner's Functions

Penner's Functions > Precision

This parameter controls the number of vertices of the connection path.

Penner's Functions > Precision
Penner's Functions > Precision

Penner's Functions > Angle (3D only)

This parameter affects the orientation of the connection path.

Penner's Functions > Angle (3D only)
Penner's Functions > Angle (3D only)


This module adds AE Dashes to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Dashes Options
Dashes Options

Dashes > Dash

This parameter controls the length of the dashes.


Dashes > Gap

This parameter controls the gap between dashes.

Small Dashes Gap
Small Dashes Gap
Large Dashes Gap
Large Dashes Gap

Dashes > Offset

This parameter controls the offset of the pattern along the path.

Dashes Offset
Dashes Offset

Offset Paths

This module adds AE Offset Paths to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Offset Paths Options
Offset Paths Options

Offset > Amount

This parameter controls the offset from the original path.

Offset Open Path
Offset Open Path
Offset Closed Path
Offset Closed Path


This module adds AE Repeater to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Repeater Options
Repeater Options
Repeater Example
Repeater Example

Repeater > Copies

This parameter controls the number of copies of the original path.

Repeater > Offset

This parameter sets a global offset from the original path.

Repeater > Symmetric Offset

This parameter forces the copies to be symmetrically distributed around the original path.

Repeater > Transform

These parameters affect the transformation of each copy individually. This includes the anchor point, position, scale, and rotation properties.

Repeater > Start Opacity

This parameter controls the transparency of the first copy.

Repeater > End Opacity

This parameter controls the transparency of the last copy.

Round Corners

This module adds AE Round Corners to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Round Corners Options
Round Corners Options

Round Corners > Radius

This parameter controls the roundness radius.

Round Corners Example
Round Corners Example

Trim Paths

This module adds AE Trim Paths to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Trim Paths Options
Trim Paths Options
Trim End
Trim End

Trim > Start

This parameter controls the start point of the path, expressed as percentage of the original path.

Trim > End

This parameter controls the end point of the path.

Trim > Both Ends

This parameter controls both the start and end points of the path.

Trim Both Ends
Trim Both Ends

Trim > Offset

This parameter controls the offset along the original path.

Trim > Trim Multiple Shapes

This parameter controls whether multiple shapes are trimmed simultaneously or individually.


This module adds AE Twist to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Twist Options
Twist Options
Twist Example
Twist Example

Twist > Angle

This parameter controls the twist angle in degrees.

Twist > Center X/Y

This parameter sets the center point of the twist effect.

Wiggle Paths

This module adds AE Wiggle Paths to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Wiggle Options
Wiggle Paths Options
Wiggle Example
Wiggle Paths Example

Wiggle > Size

This parameter controls the amplitude of the distortion.

Wiggle > Detail

This parameter sets the density of the jagged edges.

Wiggle > Points

This parameter controls whether the corner points are sharp or smooth.

Wiggle > Wiggles/Second

This parameter controls the amount of the wiggle.

Wiggle > Correlation

This parameter specifies the amount of similarity between the movement of a vertex and that of its neighbors.

Wiggle > Temporal/Spatial Phase

This parameter controls the variation of wiggle.

Wiggle > Random Seed

This parameter sets the seed of the random number generator.

Zig Zag

This module adds AE Zig Zag to the connection, and allows you to control the effect settings directly from the effect panel.

Zig Zag Options
Zig Zag Options
Zig Zag Example
Zig Zag Example

Zig Zag > Size

This parameter controls the amplitude of the peaks and valleys.

Zig Zag > Ridges per segment

This parameter sets the number of ridges per path segment.

Zig Zag > Points

This parameter controls whether corner points are sharp or smooth.




Path Expressions > Bake Work Area

This command converts all path expressions into keyframes. The composition work area determines the start/end times of the keyframing.

Assistant > Bake Expressions
Assistant > Bake Expressions

Style Expressions > Bake Work Area

This command converts all style expressions to keyframes.

Relink Expressions

This command re-enables baked expressions.

A Note About Performance

CLP makes an intensive usage of expressions. AE CC 2019 has introduced a new expression engine called "Javascript", which is generally faster than the old one (now called "Legacy ExtendScript"). This is the default engine and we do recommend you to use it.

The current selected engine can be found in the Project Settings dialog (in the the Expressions tab). To open this dialog, click on File > Project Settings, or use the dedicated (rocket) button next to the Create New Comp button.


Known Issues


If you have any questions about this tool, do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.